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Career Opportunity: CCTG Senior Investigator

Career Opportunity: Seeking CCTG Senior Investigator

The Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) at Queens University is currently seeking a visionary cancer trialist for the position of Senior Investigator (SI). The new SI will play a critical role for CCTG, acting as a co-principal investigator of numerous individual trials and a leader within the CCTG program and scientific committees. 

The successful candidate will lead, with CCTG Scientific Committee Chairs and Committees, the development of research proposals and trials that align with the priorities of CCTG and the Committee. The SI will use their expertise to contribute to the development of CCTG’s strategic goals, including cancer trials, education and trial methodology. They will also provide medical and scientific oversight of clinical trials including safety and eligibility.

Qualifications for the role include an MD or PhD, a minimum of at least five years’ experience in a relevant field, and graduate or fellowship training in a relevant field.

For more information and how to apply >