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Publication MA.27

Treating Postmenopausal Women Who Have Undergone Surgery for Primary Breast Cancer
MA.27 (NCT00066573) - A Randomized Phase III Trial of Exemestane Versus Anastrozole in Postmenopausal Women with Receptor Positive Primary Breast Cancer publication:
Ho MF, Lummertz da Rocha E, Zhang C, Ingle J, Goss P, Shepherd L, Kubo M, Wang L, Li H, Weinshilboum R. TCL1A, a novel transcription factor and a co-regulator of NF-kB p65: SNP and estrogen-dependence (ONLINE). J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2018.
Estrogen can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. Hormone therapy, using exemestane or anastrozole, may fight breast cancer by reducing the production of estrogen. It is not yet known whether exemestane is more effective than anastrozole in preventing the recurrence of breast cancer. This randomized phase III trial studies exemestane to see how well it works compared to anastrozole in preventing cancer recurrence in postmenopausal women who have undergone surgery for primary breast cancer.