Introducing the Group's new strategic direction. Tuesday, July 05, 2022 Following a comprehensive, year-long consultation with the CCTG network, leadership, partners, patient representatives, and staff the new strategic direction for CCTG is unveiled. “Together, we set down and shared our scientific priorities and supporting activities, captured feedback from our members, patients, and stakeholders and used it to ensure we address the opportunities ahead to conduct trials that will meaningfully improve outcomes for patients with cancer,” said CCTG Director, Dr. Janet Dancey. The new scientific priorities: Understand Cancer Biology, Reduce the Cancer Burden, and Improve Cancer Care, with their associated objectives and activities will lead to new advances in innovative therapies, understanding treatment resistance, reduce the burdens of cancer, improve trial access, and show the value of these innovations. Please take a moment to read the Strategic Plan and then continue to follow on the #SolvingCancerTogether web page where milestones and activities aligned to the new priorities, platforms and enablers over the next five years will be listed. Solving Cancer Together web page CCTG Strategic Plan 2022-2027 (pdf) Summary CCTG Strategic Plan (pdf) en français Plan stratégique 2022 à 2027 Plan stratégique sommaire 2022 à 2027