Wednesday, March 26, 2025 The CCTG Patient Representative Committee (PRC) sends a heartfelt thank you to two key members who will be leaving us this month, Marie-Térèse Little and Carol Gordon. Their contributions have been transformative, and we are fortunate to have had their unwavering engagement and insight over the years. Their dedication will continue to inspire and elevate the work of the committee to improve cancer research for patients everywhere."The contributions that both Marie-Thérèse and Carol have made throughout the years undoubtedly ensured that the patient voice is integrated in Canadian cancer trials. They both have shared valuable insights and created tools to support ongoing patient engagement at CCTG. We are grateful for all they have done," says Michelle Audoin Patient Representative Committee ChairPatient Representative: Marie-Térèse LittleWe would like to thank Marie-Térèse Little for her 10 years serving as a member of the Gastrointestinal and Correlative Sciences and Tumour Biology Committees. She was a patient partner reviewer on the Clinical Trials Committee, a Communications Liaison working on the patient-facing information for our website and plain language descriptions of open trials. She was instrumental in developing tools and processes that are now the standard tools for the patient representatives and presenting how to use these new forms to the PRC members. She was always the first to step up and assist with mentoring Patient Reps who were new to the group."I would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to you, Marie-Térèse. Your dedication and commitment as a Patient Representative has been very valuable to the Canadian Cancer Trials Group. Marie-Terese has generously volunteered her time and expertise, making significant contributions to both the Gastrointestinal, the CSTB Committees, and the Patient Representative Committee (PRC)." Judy Needham, Patient Representative Committee Chair EmeritusPatient Representative: Carol GordonCarol began with CCTG in 2015 on the Lung Disease Site Committee, and then continued her important work on the Gynecology Disease Site Committee and the Committee on Economic Analysis. Over the last 10 year she contributed to the committees’ core objectives and served as the liaison for the Patient Representative Committee, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration between the two groups. Carol was also a Patient Rep reviewer on the Clinical Trials Committee for a year. She was instrumental in co-authoring and the development of the CCTG Patient Representative Priorities in Cancer Research report, which will assist in shaping cancer research priorities in general. She has made a significant difference in furthering patient engagement within CCTG."Carol, I would also like to take a moment to sincerely acknowledge your exceptional contributions to CCTG. Carol has also played a vital and multifaceted role, offering her invaluable expertise and unwavering dedication to advancing clinical trials and ensuring the patient voice is integrated into the research process." Judy Needham, Patient Representative Committee Chair Emeritus