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World Cancer Day 2021- Clinical trials for game-changing cancer research

Will exercise help prevent colorectal cancer from coming back? Can a new blood test for DNA markers predict which prostate cancer patients will be helped most by experimental targeted therapies? Is it safe for young women with breast cancer who wish to become pregnant to temporarily interrupt endocrine therapy to try to have a baby? Will a new four-drug combination save the lives of more pancreatic cancer patients after surgery?

The Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG), at Queen’s University, asks and finds evidence-based answers to critical questions about the best treatment options for the 225,000 Canadians diagnosed with cancer each year. Innovations proven to be effective through CCTG led clinical trials have set new standards of care that guide treatment decisions for patients today and tomorrow: curing disease, preventing recurrence, saving lives, and improving quality of life. See full article here.

"Our mission is to find new drug and non-drug interventions that benefit patients most in terms of improving outcomes, safety, convenience, and quality of life. In many cases, the results of our trials have changed practice in Canada and worldwide," says Dr. Janet Dancey, CCTG Director and professor in the Queen’s Department of Oncology. As Canada’s first and largest cancer research network, CCTG has had a direct impact on improving treatment option for patients over the last forty-plus years. Two highly influential studies from the past illustrate how CCTG-led international trials have continuously changed practice over four decades to benefit all cancer patients.