CCTG has opened the anticipated international brain cancer study CCTG CE9 (LUMOS2) - joining forces with the Australian Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology (COGNO) to make enrollment accessible to Canadian patients.
Novel Therapeutics in Younger Patients with High-Risk AML (MM1YA-S01)
MODERN: An Integrated Phase 2/3 and Phase 3 Trial of MRD-Based Optimization of Adjuvant Therapy in Urothelial Cancer
NEoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal scc vs Definitive chemoradiotherapy with salvage Surgery as needed (NEEDS Trial)
Comparing Palliative Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy vs. Palliative Standard Radiotherapy in Patients with Advanced Head and Neck Cancer
The CCTG ES3 NEEDS international esophageal cancer clinical trial is now opened in Canada. The study is investigating whether delaying surgery for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus is as good as the current treatment.
Eradicating MRD in Patients with AML prior to Stem Cell Transplant (ERASE)
Radiotherapy to Block (CURB2) Oligoprogression In Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
VIGOR: Vorasidenib as Maintenance Treatment after First-line Chemoradiotherapy in IDH-mutant Grade 2 or 3 Astrocytoma
Botensilimab + Balstilimab or Botensilimab Alone vs Best Supportive Care as Therapy in Chemo-refractory, Advanced, Colorectal Adenocarcinoma: The BATTMAN Trial
STRIDE (durvalumab + tremelimumab) with Lenvatinib vs STRIDE Alone in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma (SLIDE-HCC)
CALMS: Combination Therapy with Luspatercept in Lower Risk MDS CTEP approval: 2024AUG27 (date of US Steering Committee Evaluation)
The Canadian Cancer Trials Group offices at Queen's University remain open however, due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, CCTG staff are now working remotely with a limited support team on-site. The most up-to-date information on the status of the Group is available on this page. If you are a trial patient or family member who has a COVID-19 related question please email us at:
While these times are challenging, we appreciate your patience and input as we all continue to support our centers, hospitals, patients and families.
As the health care systems in Canada ramp up to meet the coming COVID-19 (Coronavirus) challenges, the Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) recognizes that this may have an impact on the conduct and availability of cancer clinical trials.
People living with cancer are at an increased risk from COVID-19 because of underlying medical conditions and a compromised immune system. Patient care, safety and well-being are a priority while we work to minimize the impact and duration of this pandemic.
Challenges for patients participating in a trial may arise from; social distancing requirements, cancer centre restrictions, travel limitations, interruptions to the supply of investigational products, or because of the strain on hospital resources. These challenges may lead to difficulties in meeting trial-specified procedures, including following trial-mandated visits or follow-up, and access to laboratory or diagnostic testing.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, CCTG is closely monitoring the situation in consultation with our network of investigators and trial staff. The CCTG Operations and Statistical Centre remains operational and has full capabilities to support trial develop and oversight of the current portfolio.For the safety of our community we have completed a transition to remote work for our staff.
As a faculty that is involved in healthcare, our primary focus in any outbreak is the health and safety of the populations that we serve, and maintaining the working capacity of the healthcare institutions and organizations where we work. Given the rapidly-changing epidemiology of COVID-19, we are using this page to keep Faculty of Health Sciences faculty, staff and students up to date on our protocol.
Queen’s University administrators are actively monitoring reports on the evolving outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 that can cause acute upper respiratory illness and pneumonia. Protecting the health and safety of our students, staff, and faculty, whether on campus in Kingston, at SmithToronto, the Bader International Study Centre (BISC), or elsewhere in the world, are our primary concerns, and we are continuously assessing what may be required in response to any spread of the virus.
CCTG has continued to monitor the developments pertaining to the coronavirus (COVID-19). After careful consideration and evaluation of available information at this time, and out of an abundance of caution for the entire network, the CCTG Annual Spring Meeting for 2020 is cancelled.
CCTG Network Members,
CCTG is actively monitoring the continuing developments pertaining to the coronavirus (COVID-19) . This includes reviewing reliable sources of information nationally and internationally as well as tracking travel restrictions. We are evaluating risks to patient safety, trial conduct and integrity, as well as critical meetings and engagement activities across the network. Safety and security are our top priorities as we review the situation.