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Patient Representative: Louise Bird

Supporting DSMC

Resides in Carlyle, SK | CCTG Patient Representative since 2020


"I am aging as a Cancer survivor so if my experience can make a difference and or impact
someone else’s care then I need to share and help foster positive change."

Louise is a married mother of five and Nana to 11 who enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and reading. Louise’s background is in Education and has participated as a Patient Partner in many groups and projects on both a National and Provincial level.

At just 37 years old she was diagnosed in 2002 the first time with Her 2+ Breast Cancer on her left side and was diagnosed again in December of 2003 with a lump on the right that presented in the axilla. She will bring her experiences to support clinical trial research at CCTG and to bring awareness of opportunities to participate in trials to patients.

"I hope to improve the Patient experience and to encourage cancer patients to be involved in clinical trials
and help foster change to improve the future of treatments."