Supporting the CCTG Brain and Supportive Care Committees Residing in Vancouver, BC | CCTG Patient Representative since 2015 "My life is devoted to the healing process, and I welcome the opportunity to work with CCTG to improve and enhance the healing potential for those with cancer. Our dedicated Patient Representative committee has become an important model of excellence to ensure constructive patient input into clinical trials. It is truly an honour and privilege to be a member of our fabulous team." Robin was having a routine annual check-up in 2005 when her family doctor found ‘a lump’ which meant breast cancer. Her healing path included a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. And Callanish: a life changing cancer support program. ( Her experience led her to a new career at age 60, as a Certified Advanced Integrative Energy Healing Practitioner. Robin has had an eclectic career with an enduring devotion to lifelong learning which has grounded decades of work and service in the academic and non-profit sectors. "Everyone I know who has been diagnosed, after the initial shock, asks their oncologist if there is a clinical trial in which they can participate. Being part of a clinical trial ensures the best treatment and care possible, even if in a control arm. It can lead to a better survival rate, longer survival and better quality of life. Most significantly, it is my experience that once a person has been diagnosed, had their life changed in an instant, and forced to face their mortality, they find meaning and purpose by being part of something that may benefit others."